Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Cooking School....

I was 'discovered' recently after posting a few recipes I found interesting on the Instant Pot Page on Facebook. A local physician and staff asked me to teach the use of the Instant Pot at their Keto Clinic and I accepted not knowing what to expect.

I have used our pot quite a bit since getting this one around the holidays. I believe I pressure cooked a whole turkey breast in there once but lately I have been using it to tenderize meats before grilling or prepping for other reasons. I know we had used 2 pots to prepare the Irish Stew recipe for the Rainbow House a while back and I was not disappointed in the tenderness of the beef we processed.  I have also used it for pork kebabs and other cuts that benefit from the pressure cooking process.  I had hoped for a 'test' kitchen but basically ended up cooking in the lobby of a local Physicians Building for about 15 ladies and gentlemen.  The recipe had to be Keto which means not many carbs so I picked pork chops and cabbage and added a few extra ingredients like cream, fennel seeds and Dijon mustard to round out the flavors and get a more interesting sauce for the meat. Samples were passed amongst the crowd and pretty well received. It was actually pretty fun and people seemed to enjoy it.  I tend to reserve my pot for tenderizing meats and shun cooking other stuff in it like eggs or desserts. There is a lot of precedence for that but it takes a while to come to pressure and does not seem to save a lot of time in that regard. If you are making beef stews, chicken stocks or beef stocks, this is great. It cuts back the time and need to watch the pot. 

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