Monday, August 11, 2014

Some Dad's discuss baseball...

Looks pretty tasty, too bad its in Kansas City....
These apples did not fall far from the tree I am afraid. We had a lively discussion regarding the boy's cooking this weekend as they made authentic Tonkotsu Ramen this weekend.  A rich creamy pork broth that takes hours to prepare.  Ben had called late last night looking for hibachi ideas but far too late to get to a store that would actually carry one. They made a make shift one from cast iron tea lights and what appears to be a cookie rack. The mother of invention is always necessity.

My guys are fascinated with Asian cuisine and not just any Asian but the real, down a dirty stuff that the joy comes from hours of careful preparation and execution. In our early years, Brenda and I would fuss for hours. I once cooked a whole chicken by ladling hot oil over it for quite sometime to complete a Chinese dish for work friends whom I believe still remind me of that meal to this day some 35 years later.

While Nick remains a sports fanatic and Ben, not so much, we always have a common thread in the kitchen.  I have tended to get not so fussy in my later years with complicated preparation while they are just getting started.  The legacy continues....

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