Fr. Stephen Ziton
begin by taking a look at what happens when we do not keep the fast. In Genesis
3 we learn of the fall of Adam and Eve, and how their failure to keep the fast
when they ate the forbidden fruit was a sin (i.e., love of their own will more
than the will of God) which caused mankind to be expelled from paradise and
perfect union with the Creator. Why would we want to mimic the original
bodies and our souls are connected in such a way that the actions of our bodies
articulate the attitudes of our souls. Prayer is not just a function of the
soul alone. We see this phenomenon often in the Scriptures. In Luke, when the
Samaritan leper gave thanks for his healing, he did more than just say words,
he “fell down on his face at [Jesus’] feet” (9:16). Later, in chapter 18, the
Publican praying in the temple was so full of sorrow, he would not even look in
the direction of the heavens, but cast his eyes down and smote his breast while
praying for mercy. And it is more than mere coincidence that we prostrate when
we say the prayer of St. Ephraim during Great Lent, “O Lord and Master of my
life, take from me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power, and idle talk.
. . .”
of the Holy Fathers of the Church, as well as many of the saints from both the
Old and New Testament, practiced fasting, including Christ Himself. In fact,
Jesus also taught that certain forms of evil could not be conquered without it
(Matt 17:21).
Thomas Hopko reminds us that man does not fast because it pleases God if His
servants do not eat, for, as the Lenten hymns of the Church tell us, “the devil
also never eats.” Neither do we fast in order to afflict ourselves with
suffering and pain, for God takes no pleasure in the discomfort of His people.
But we fast only to gain mastery over ourselves and to conquer the passions of
the flesh.
I may insert a personal note here, fasting helps me on several levels. First,
when I cannot have any amount of meat or dairy, my body reminds me. My lack of
contentment with what I eat is something of which I am continually aware. But
this helps me become more focused in prayer because my sensitivities have not
been dulled by foods that satisfy. Also, it gives my spirituality a
realistic barometer that lets me know where I am with my faith. It’s easy to
use the verbiage of an addict (“I can begin the fast anytime I want to”)
because we are all addicted to food to various degrees. But it is a very
practical dilemma with which we have to come to grips meal after meal. For
example, do I love the Big Mac more than I love the Lord and doing his will? Is
there any real harm to that cup of cappuccino? After all, God is going to have
to forgive me of much bigger sins than eating a cheese sandwich. Excuses are
never very far away.
can be easy to justify not participating in the fast to your greatest ability
if that is your desire. If you’ve never done it, it’s hard to describe what
you’re missing. But it’s a great first step to growing as a Christian. Fasting
can be a lot easier when it is viewed not as an end in itself, but as something
which aids in our repentance. So, ask your Spiritual Father to give guidance if
you’ve never fasted before. Avoiding the foods from which the Church asks us to
abstain is easier if you replace them by increasing worthy activities like
self-examination, works of love, giving to the poor, prayer, reading the
Scriptures and the Fathers, and refraining from gossip. If you are only
avoiding certain foods and aren’t doing those things which edify, then you are
not really fasting; you’re just on some kind of weird diet. The bottom line is
Christ fasted (Matt 4) and taught His disciples to fast (Matt 6, Mk 2). Are you
participating as best as you can ...? Are you one of His disciples?
Stephen is pastor of St. Mary Antiochian Orthodox Church, Wichita, KS.
Magazine March 2000 Page 14